Math Curriculum

  • We use the Everyday Mathematics curriculum at Bendix Elementary.  This program is based on the belief that children need many concrete experiences in math before they can fully understand written and abstract math.  Therefore, a lot of our math lessons and centers are "hands-on" activities that the children can relate to in their own life.

    These are the math goals we have set for each Kindergarten child:

    First Quarter:

    Identifies and writes numbers 1-10
    Counts forward to 25
    Identifies and extends an AB pattern
    Identifies a circle, square, triangle, and rectangle

    Second Quarter:

    Identifies and writes numbers 1-25
    Counts forward to 50
    Counts by 10s to 100
    Counts backward from 10 to 0
    Identifies and extends an ABC pattern
    Compares sizes of objects (taller, shorter,etc...)
    Sorts objects by shape, color, and size

    Third Quarter:

    Identifies and writes numbers 1-50
    Counts forward to 75
    Counts by 5s to 100
    Tells the number that comes after another number up to 25
    Identifies and extends an AABC / ABBC pattern

    Fourth Quarter:

    Identifies and writes numbers 1-100
    Counts forward to 100
    Skip counts by 2s to 10
    Creates number stories
    Tells time to the hour (analog and digital)
    Makes a simple bar graph and shares observations
    Builds number families to 5
    Explores a penny, nickel, and dime
    Identifies and extends a 4 part pattern (ABCD)
    Tells the number that comes next up to 50