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- State and Federal Tests
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State and Federal Testing
State and Federal Tests
Director of Curriculum & Testing Jon Meinke jmeinke@isd876.org 320-274-8208, Extension 3312
Annandale Elementary School Site Assessment Coordinator Andy Ortmann aortmann@isd876.org 320-274-8218, Extension 1143
Annandale Middle School Site Assessment Coordinator Michele Macalena mmacalena@isd876.org 320-274-8226, Extension 2700
Annandale High School Site Assessment Coordinator Joy Turner jturner@isd876.org 320-274-8208, Extension 3601
January-March, 2025 English Learners are tested--generally English is not these students' first or home language. WIDA is the name of the agency that supports and manages the federally required ACCESS 2.0 Assessments. They are a series of 4 tests to measure students' proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. These tests are scheduled individually. These tests were completed before Minnesota Distance Learning. If you have questions about WIDA or ACCESS testing, please contact Belinda Bergren at the Elementary School.
Annandale Public Schools Test Procedures follow state of Minnesota requirements:
2024-2025 Annandale Testing Calendar
2024-2025 Testing Procedures for Annandale Public Schools
Refusal to Test Form from MDE (English)
Refusal To Test Form from MDE (Spanish)
Individual Student Results and Resources
Statewide assessments are a part of each district or school’s comprehensive, balanced assessment system. They reflect one piece of information our district uses to evaluate the content students engage with in school. We encourage parents and families to use these resources alongside the information you receive from your child’s school and teachers.
Each year individual results are mailed to students parents who participated in MCA testing the year before. You should have received those results by October 1st each year. Below are resources for you to better understand what the results mean for your student.
Quick MCA Guide for Parents (English)
Quick MCA Guide for Parents (Spanish)
Interpretive Guide (more detailed)
MCA Parent Fact Sheet (English)
MCA Parent Fact Sheet (Spanish)
Access Parent Fact Sheet (English)
Access Parent Fact Sheet (Spanish)
What Families Need to Know about Using the MCA and MTAS Results