- Annandale Public Schools
- The Bendix Media Center
- Copyright Reminders
Annandale Elementary School
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Copyright Reminders
- Copyrighted material in a project following the fair use guidelines may only be shared with the class for which it was created. When the class is over, the project creator may use the project in a portfolio as examples of academic work for later personal uses such as job and graduate school interviews.
- Remember work found on the Internet comes with a copyright even if there isn’t a visible copyright symbol. All work is copyrighted when it is created.
- Digital material from the Internet may either be copyrighted or public domain. Always assume the material is copyrighted. It is better to error on the side of caution.
- Access to work on the Internet does not automatically mean that these can be reproduced and reused without permission or royalty payment. Some copyrighted works may have been posted to the Internet without permission from the copyright holder.
- When downloading material from the web, always cite the source of the material at the end of the project.
- Image sources must be cited where the image is displayed.
- The title screen of the multimedia project must include a notice that certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and are being used according to the guidelines.
- If there is a possibility that the project will be used later to a wider audience, then it is strongly recommended that permissions be obtained during the development process for all copyrighted portions.
- Consumable materials, e.g. workbooks, are never to be copied.