Welcome to the Bendix Media Center

  • The Bendix Media Center is a multi-purpose space used to promote literacy and technology at Annandale Elementary School. Students, from preschool to grade five, and staff, have access to lessons and stories in the "Tree House", reading spaces throughout the room, the online card catalog, work tables, computer labs, computers on wheels, and of course - books!

Destiny Card Catalog

  • Destiny Card Catalog

    Destiny is the online card catalog system used in Annandale Public Schools. Students and staff can access a listing of library materials onsite or offsite.

Electronic Library

  • ELM (Electronic Library for Minnesota)

    The ELM Learning Center is a collection of data based instructional materials that are organized into courses. There are courses on doing research for K-12 grade levels. Each course contains an array of media formats including: short videos, fact sheets, and hands-on activities. With the ELM Learning Center, you choose how much you want to know about whatever you're researching, and we'll help you learn to do that research better.


  • Technology
    The Bendix Media Center helps students and staff connect with technology. Two computer labs provide opportunities for web navigation, keyboarding, and  publishing, as well as a testing site for MAPS and MCAs. The genius bar houses iPads for perusing the online card catalog. Interactive whiteboards are available in the labs and the tree house. IPads and Touchscreens provide mobile technology. Our collection of ebooks is accessible online.

Media Center Staff

Dr. Lester Bendix

  • Follow this link for a profile of our namesake, Dr. Lester Bendix.