Early Childhood Special Education

  • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
    Children ages birth to age five who have been identified as having a developmental delay or other disability will receive special education services through the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program. Children ages birth to three receive services in their home or community child care settings through MAWSECO. Classroom learning experiences for three through prior to Kindergarten entrance with special needs are provided in small group or inclusive classrooms at Annandale Elementary School - Community Education.

    The Early Childhood Evaluation Team members work collaboratively with families, caregivers and community agencies to locate and identify children ages birth to five who are demonstrating a developmental delay or have a medical condition which impacts development. The team evaluates infants, toddlers and preschool age children to determine if they qualify for ECSE services. The team also can provide resource for parents and caregivers who have questions or concerns about a child's development. These services are provided at no cost to families. Upon referral, a team member interviews a parent or legal guardian to gather information about the child's medical history and developmental skills. The information is reviewed to determine if further screening or evaluation is needed. If an evaluation is completed and the child meets the Minnesota criteria for a disability category, the child is eligible to receive special education services.