2024 Operating Levy
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Goal One: Maintain programming and class sizes that best support learning.
It is critical that we maintain our class sizes and retain our effective programming for students at Annandale Schools. Smaller class sizes allow for more relationship building and one-on-one personalized instruction. Diverse program options mean we are able to meet the needs of our entire student population and prepare them for college, career, and life.
Goal Two: Create instructional and professional practice improvements.
We are currently experiencing high levels of student achievement, well above the state averages, but we can improve once we are able to provide high-quality professional development and modern curriculum tools for our staff. Our current financial situation supports only the status quo. A commitment to improving professional best practices and the adoption of modern curriculum tools will allow Annandale Schools to take student learning to a new level.
Goal Three: Continue to improve and create organizational efficiencies.
As a district, we have made significant changes to improve organizational efficiencies and reduce costs including reducing printing and postage through electronic messaging and digitizing curriculum materials and forms. We have also identified several other long-term efficiencies, such as transitioning our buildings to LED lighting and other energy-related cost-saving opportunities. Some methods to become more efficient have an upfront cost that is not currently feasible given our financial situation. This operating levy can support efficiency changes and provide a long-term cost positive outcome.
Goal Four: Advance technology and innovation.
It is imperative that we ensure our students are college, career, and life ready. Through funds provided during the pandemic, we were able to provide our students with access to technology in a one-to-one learning environment. However, that money is no longer available. Although the district planned ahead for the discontinuation of this funding source, technology only lasts so long before it needs to be replaced. The revenue secured through an operating levy would allow us to continue to provide our students with one-to-one access, ensuring they have the 21st-century skills needed for life after high school.
Goal Five: Secure the district’s financial future.
Best practices recommend that school districts have between 12 and 15 percent in fund balance. Because we have gone through financially difficult times due to inflation increases and staffing shortages, we are currently experiencing a fund between 5 and 7 percent. With a sound financial plan and strong fund balance, our district will be better prepared to weather any uncertainties we encounter and continue to deliver the quality education our students deserve.
In an effort to achieve these goals, the school board made the decision to seek an operating levy in November 2024.
The Ballot Question
The school board of Independent School District No. 876 (Annandale Public Schools) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by $750 per pupil. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for 10 years beginning with taxes payable in 2025, and increase each year by the rate of inflation beginning with taxes payable in 2026, unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law.