- Annandale Public Schools
- World's Best Workforce Strategies, Support & Progress
ISD 876 Annandale Public Schools World's Best Workforce Report 2021
World's Best Workforce Strategies, Support & Progress
This page tells about how we work toward our goals. Click on links that give detail for a topic.
St. Cloud Integration Collaborative Information
Annandale Public Schools is a member district in a Minnesota Integration Collaborative District as an adjoining district to St. Cloud Public Schools, a racially isolated disstrict with at least one racially identifiable school. Other adjoining districts in this collaborative are Becker, Foley, Holdingford, Kimball, Rocori, and Sauk Rapids-Rice. Jessica Ellingson Murphy, Literacy/Diversity Coach, manages our district's plan. The goals of the Integration Collaborative Districts are the pursuit of racial and economic integration, the increase in student achievement, and the reduction of academic disparities in Minnesota Public Schools.
Mrs. Murphy organizes the detailed responsibilities in hands-on collaborative experiences for Annandale and St. Cloud students and teachers, inviting St. Cloud students and teachers to Annandale Middle School and organizing Annandale Middle School students visits to St. Cloud schools. She also supervises and conducts various literacy interventions at Annandale Middle School.
The Multi-District Collaborative Achievement Goal: The Annandale School District and school staff will work to improve and increase education opportunities designed to close academic achievement gaps in reading and math.
In the linked charts, "protected class students" are nonwhite students.
2020 Achievement and Integration Summary Results
Annandale Achievement and Integration Plan 2020-2023
2019-2020 Access to Experienced Teachers (not updated in report card for 2020-21)
District Strategies, Support, & Progress
2020 State Testing Results - NO DATA IS AVAILABLE. Due to COVID statewide testing was cancelled for 2020.
2021 State Testing Results
2021 Annandale MCA & MTAS Results Summary
2019 Student Survey responses from Annandale Public Schools students in grades 5, 8, 9 and 11 to Minnesota statewide surveys are provided in this link:
2019 Student Survey Annandale Results
Early Childhood Objectives are statements of intention for early childhood instruction and are the basis of goals for achievement in the preschool years.
Early Childhood Preschool Objectives
The Annandale Elementary Literacy Plan gives a profile of all aspects of instruction and intervention to support each child's literacy development.
Annandale Elementary Literacy Plan
Gifted and Talented Plan is under review
The Teacher and Principal Evaluation Plans are local district plans requiring a professional improvement plan and structured observation and evaluations of all teachers.
Q Comp
Annandale teachers participate in Q Comp, Minnesota Quality Compensation, a teacher managed plan to improved instruction through staff development and evaluation. Under the plan, teachers earn compensation for meeing specific accountable requirements.
Support for Students
1. At Annandale Middle School and Annandale High School, teachers continue an emphasis on strengthened literacy instruction (reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing) in all content area instruction.
2. Annandale High School operates an hour lunch plan in a closed campus, allowing students to access teachers for help as needed. Teachers and administrative staff are available in classrooms during half hour times posted, and they supervise the lunch area and all open areas on a rotating schedule. Students choose their lunch times, visit teachers for help, work in the media center, access computer labs, gym, or table tennis in the commons.
3. Annandale Middle School operates the ICU or Intensive Care Unit assignment completion, skills improvement, and learning program before, during, and after the school day. Parents give approval with the family plan for transportation at the end of the after school session. Older volunteer students, parents, administrators, and teachers helped to provide assistance to students who need help.
4. Annandale Elementary School supports students with interventions in an RTI path outlined in the Literacy Plan.
5. Annandale Elementary School provides early morning read alouds and extra tutoring by teachers and paraprofessionals before and after school as needed.
6. Annandale Community Education offers academic enrichment activities for students of all ages, including preparation for ACT tests.
Support for Teachers and Principals
1. Q Comp Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) include teachers in all sites in literacy focused staff development according to individual and group goals. Peer to peer observation is a valued basis for sharing best practices and reflective coaching conversations to support SMART goal achievement. The district plan includes funds for professional literature and outside workshops with a train the trainer emphasis for sharing within the district.
2. Principal directed PLCs as fit each school operate in sync with teacher directed Q Comp groups.
3. Principals and teachers plan tech and instruction support nights for peer to peer coaching in technology apps, instructional strategies, and literacy best practices.
4. Principals and administration observe instruction according to a formal cycle and conduct regular informal visits and reflective conversations about instruction.
5. Principals look for opportunities to share group leadership on committees with teachers and community members.
Best Practice Strategies
1. Annandale Elementary School focuses on an RtI Framework in the area of reading, math, and behavior. In general, all students or Tier I, receive an overall assessment in each area twice during the school year. Students that are not making progress based on state, district, and building assessments are referred for a Tier II intervention. These interventions are served through our Title I, Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instruction Services (ADSIS), Targeted services as well as general education interventions. Students who have not demonstrated the level of growth in reading, math or behavior will then be referred for a Tier III intervention. This level of intervention is served through our ADSIS Program, Reading Recovery, Title I and Special Education intervention in math, and Fountas and Pinnell LLI – Leveled Literacy Instruction. For behavior interventions our school uses our CARES PBIS program implemented by our dean, specified general education staff member or school social worker. The RtI Framework also collaborates closely with community resources, our EL Staff and Special Education staff in order to best coordinate efforts.
2. At the middle school level: Encore Math and Encore Reading interventions support identified grade 6 students in need of extra support. Identified grades 7 and 8 students are also supported with integrated classroom interventions.
3. Under the St. Cloud Integration Collaborative District Plan, literacy intervention classes for identified grades 7 and 8 students emphasize comprehension of content area reading and writing.
Other 2019-2020 efforts included Title 1 and ADSIS--Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services at Annandale Elementary School, the continuing implementation of the Power of ICU assignment completion support program at Annandale Middle School, and the continuation of the College and Career Readiness plans at Annandale Middle School and Annandale High School.
Key Indicators of Progress
1. Annandale Elementary has taken part in the state MTSS survey to indicate our current readiness for full implementation of Response to Intervention in the areas of reading, math, and behavior. Currently we have our foundation in place as well as practices which meet fidelity standards.
2. The program evaluation from our Annandale Elementary School ADSIS data has indicated a decrease in students being referred and placed in special education for Learning Disabilities in the areas of reading and math.