- Annandale Public Schools
- School Board Home
School Board Home
The Independent School District 876 Board of Education is composed of six members who are elected to four-year overlapping terms, with elections held in the fall of even years. At the end of the four-year term, members may run for re-election. Voting takes place at general elections in November, and terms begin the first Monday in January thereafter. If a vacancy occurs in the middle of the term, the school board names an appointee to serve until the next district election. In addition to our elected members, we also have a student representative selected by the high school student council who serves as a non-voting member. Annandale's superintendent also serves as an ex-officio member. The Superintendent facilitates the work of the board and is responsible to the board for providing leadership to the district. Information on our individual members is included below.
Board Members
Katie Jones
(320) 274-6908
kjones@isd876.orgRe-Elected 2024
Four-year term up for election November 2028 -
Dillon Dougherty
(612) 570-2964
ddougherty@isd876.orgElected 2024
Four-year term up for election November 2028
Gena Jacobson
Re-Elected 2022
Four-year term up for election November 2026 -
Melissa Muehring-Paulson
(320) 980-6200
Re-Elected 2022
Four-year term up for election November 2026 -
Board Member
Jennifer Mealey
(763) 439-5692
Re-Elected 2022
Four-year term up for election November 2026 -
Board Member
Jenna Witherbee
(320) 493-8058
Elected 2024
Four-year term up for election November 2028