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Annandale High School's Dual Enrollment Option With SCSU
Annandale High School's Dual Enrollment Option With SCSU
As part of our high school's dual enrollment option with St. Cloud State University, high school students enrolled in the Introduction to Psychology course recently visited the SCSU campus. They participated in a lecture and activity with our SCSU partner professor. This year's professor, Dr. Daren Protolipac, guided the class through an activity on motivation.
In addition to the benefits of the increased academic rigor, it is also a great experience for our students to visit a college campus and learn college level coursework in a smaller class size with the support of a familiar high school teacher.
In 2023, Annandale high school collectively earned about 1,000 college credits. Students account for over 300 registrations in different offerings in the areas of English, Math, Science, Business, World Language, and Social Studies. A full listing of all the college courses we offer will be sent to students and their families before winter break in our registration guide.